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FieldTracker Version 2 Software Update Soon to Be Released

Over the past year, the Random-Acronym team has been busy on several projects. One of these projects includes a major update to FieldTracker, which we have creatively named FieldTracker v2. Sorry, we do data, not marketing.

With this update, you can expect to see several changes that we hope will improve the positive experience for our existing customers while providing opportunities for newcomers to fully harness the benefits of telemetry.

FieldTracker v2 is set to launch with a revamped web-based software interface and additional cost-effective hardware alternatives compared to our existing options. Today, I'd like to provide a brief overview of the new software.

In addition to a refreshed design, this web-based application retains all the features of the original FieldTracker software. Key improvements in data management include:

· A more intuitive and simplified design.

· Streamlined user-driven unit registration process.

· Enhanced focus on units over jobs, facilitating improved interaction with data.

· Introduction of unit groupings for better organization.

· Guest controls for more flexible access management.

· Simplified alerts and alarming system.

· User-driven sensor control.

· And many more enhancements to elevate your overall experience.

FieldTracker v1 was a very job-focused system, limiting its adaptability across various industries. While FieldTracker v2 still retains this capability, it no longer dictates how users engage with the system. The emphasis has shifted towards units, providing users with greater control over their utilization.

Unlike the current configuration in FieldTracker v1, where specific sensors are tied to telemetry unit types, FieldTracker v2 offers flexibility. Users can now employ any compatible sensor type on a corresponding box, allowing them to personally customize how the received data is displayed within the system.

Exciting updates are on the horizon for the deployment of FieldTracker v2—stay tuned for further information.

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